Time to bring sacred sexy back!
Hey Love,
Ready to step into your power and awaken
your inner goddess?
You are meant to live a life that is
Time to taste the bliss...

Time to Let Go Let Goddess!

Download powerful affirmations, meditations, prayer and ritual to help you awaken your badass goddess!

Hi! I’m
Lady Shepsa
Are you ready to start living your best life as a juicy badass? If you’re ready to stop playing small and being disconnected from the woman you KNOW you’re meant to be, you’re in the right place!
I used to hide behind a “good girl” mask, pleasing everyone but myself. I was miserable. That all changed when I discovered the secrets of my divine feminine and sacred sexual energy.
If I can do it, you can do it too!
Check out my interview on the Sex Is Medicine Show with Devi Ward
Goddess Love Letter Blog

Last week seemed to be the week of celebrity splits. Tia Mowry filed for divorce from husband Cory Hardict after 14 years. Model Nazanin Mandi filed for divorce from singer Miguel after 3 years. ‘Love is blind’ star Iyanna McNeely filed for divorce from husband Jarrette Jones. NFL player Tom Brady and wife Gisele Bundchen

In this Goddess Love Letter I share about this powerful time of year, the fall season. It reminds me of Oya, the Orisha (Yoruba Spirit) who brings the winds of change. We can see her power moving through as hurricanes are sweeping through certain parts of the world.

I had an interesting experience last week. I was talking on the phone to a guy I had matched with from an app. We had been texting off and on and finally had a phone conversation.

It’s been over a month since my last Goddess Love Letter as I was in need of a sacred rest and reset. I encourage you to pause anytime you need to stop, rest and reflect.
What The Goddesses
Have To Say...

The program and the retreat made me feel much better then when I started. It helped me to release old thoughts and the patterns that held me back from speaking my truth. I am now able to converse and share my experiences with others without feeling like I am undeserving. Also, I am much kinder to myself then before. I discovered I was holding myself back with my own inner critic. Now I'm learning to let go and embrace what is and speak up for myself. During the program, I accomplished a lot of things that I probably wouldn't have done without the guidance of Lady Shepsa! During our clarity session, she took time to listen, help me find solutions to my conflicts and reminded me who is in charge.
- Kristelle
When I began this program I was in a negative place. I had everything from relationship struggles, body image issues, income issues and I was dealing with issues with my children. The most important lesson I gained was having love for myself. I have so many tools for life. I also met a wonderful friend and sister in the class and we are still very close to this day. I have the awareness of seeing a negative pattern, or habit and redirecting it. That is so important for me. I look in the mirror today and I see a Goddess. There isn't a cost you can put on that!
- Amora

This class was just what I needed on my journey of self love, self care and Tantra. I was excited about each week and each exercise, like a kid in a candy store! This class opened me up to things that had been lying dormant. Money manifested, ideas manifested, and an awakened sex drive manifested. Thank you for sharing your knowledge/gift with me/us. I would encourage others to join. You have so many great nuggets and it's a safe place to learn, share and grow!
- Denyse
I never really thought of my punany power as a means of manifestation. I recently learned the power of my punany prior to the program, but I hadn’t put that to action or ‘’trial’. Through my sensual power, I was able to manifest money to pay my rent. I enjoyed every exercise but if I had to choose one, then I’d say the breasts massage as I anticipated that exercise the week leading up to it. I intentionally would be adoring my breasts in the shower and observe how the water would flow around, on and in-between them. Having to massage them as an exercise has helped heal my fear to touch them and their sensitivity. They’ve always been sore for some reason and I noticed since I started massaging they are not. (A daily routine for me now lol!) The most important healing for me was the shame I used to have when it came to touching my own body. I learned to adore and exalt my body without guilt and shame.
- TheBaldGoddess