Yoni, Lingerie
and Poetry
A Creativity Playshop For Women
How to Awaken Your Creativity Through exploring your sensuality
Even if you've never considered yourself an artist
and have a bitchy inner critic
While healing and having fun connecting to your sexy feminine energy
So That
You create a poem, story, song, image, dance or just a juicy life
Feeling judged and thinking your art must be perfect
Is it time to awaken your inner Creatrix?
"Creatrix is more than just a fancy name for a female artist. She is artist plus...artist plus priestess, artist plus healer, artist plus activist: her work has both sacred and worldly dimensions. She is an energy worker first and foremost, weaving energy into form, colour, words and sound, in order to transform herself and those her creations touch.”- Lucy H. Pearce
Did you know that creativity is one of the core powers of the Divine Feminine? The womb is a holy vortex that not only has the ability to birth children, but also songs, dance, poetry, businesses, delectable meals, paintings, and more.
As women, being creative is one of our superpowers and our natural state of being. However, as children much of our creative energy was shut down. We were told artists are broke. Someone laughed at our drawing. We were told we can’t sing, that our bodies looked too sexual when we danced.
The harsh realities of life told us to get realistic and that our creativity was a waste of time. However, whether you desire to be an artist or not, being connected to your creativity is one of the most potent medicines there is.
When we are walking in our power as creatrix, we use this energy to heal ourselves, connect to our authentic voice, release traumas and create what we desire in life.
During Yoni, Lingerie and Poetry we will connect to our sensuality as a way to awaken our creativity. Using the ancient tools of sacred sexuality, we will awaken the divine feminine within and allow our inner goddess to express herself BOLDLY!
During this workshop you can expect to:
The PlayShop Agenda
Centering and Grounding Meditation
Intros and intention setting
Sensual Qi Gong and Movement
Yoni Breathing
Sensual Self-Massage
Art Inspo
Creativity Playtime
Closing Meditation
Date and Time: Saturday, November 13th 7pm-9pm EST
Where: On Zoom in your private Goddess playroom
Dress: Wear lingerie or something else that makes you feel sexy.
About Your Instructor
I am Lady Shepsa Jones, sacred sexuality coach, healer and author. I used to be a “nun” and now I teach women to experience full body orgasms and to live a powerful badass goddess life. Well, not really an actual “nun” but I was rigid, religious and suppressed.
Like many women, I was raised to fear my sexuality and sensuality and to think being a woman somehow made me “lesser than”. I was so committed to being a good girl that I was a virgin until I was 22 and married the first man I ever had sex with.
Five years and one child later, I felt miserable, stuck and a part of me inside was dying. I needed to break out the good-girl box and discover who I was as a woman.
This journey brought me face-to-face with the real me: the part that was both sacred and sensual and twerked on top of boxes meant to cage her in!
I discovered ancient practices that awakened my sensual goddess and over the past 8 years I’ve taught these practices to hundreds of women around the world.
Aside from being a sacred sexuality teacher, I am an artist. My first love is creative writing and this was my major in high school. I also have a Bachelor Of Fine Arts from New York University in Drama. For 10 years I taught theater and poetry to students in New York City public schools. I’m so excited to share my love of creative expression and sensuality with you!
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*All sales are final.

Lady Shepsa has a brilliance about her that invites you in, wraps its arms around you, and lets you know that whatever the issue is, wherever you are in life, whomever the man/woman is that hurt you, you are greater than it all! She reminds you that you are a GODDESS, and nothing short of magnificent! With heartfelt compassion and the wisdom of the elders she offers the tools needed to navigate the course of life while helping you to realize and remember, that it is your divine right to have, to be, and to live a life full of abundant bliss.
- Yolanda Ayesha