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Programs & Workshops


Let Go Let Goddess offers various coaching programs and workshops. Here are some of our current and past offerings. Sign-up for our newsletter to stay up to date on when these will be offered again.

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Coming Back February 2015

Are you ready to enter the goddess? In this group coaching program women are guided on a three-month journey to living a healthier, sexier and more joyful life! We learn to unblock our bliss, turn on our sexual energy and magnetize what we want!  This class features monthly workshops, weekly exercises, private Facebook group and live full moon meditations.

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Coming October 2014-July 2015

Want to get unleashed? This 9 month intensive program is for a special group of committed goddesses ready to take it to next level. Learn the 9 W.I.L.D. Goddess Principles through weekly exercises, full moon rituals, monthly workshops, guest experts and a mandatory trip to paradise. Ready to be WILD?

[button id=”” style=”filled-small” class=”” align=”center” link=”https://letgoletgoddess.com/premiere-goddess-in-the-wild-program/” linkTarget=”_self” bgColor=”accent1″ hover_color=”accent1″ font=”24″ icon=”” icon_placement=”left” icon_color=””]Learn More [/button]


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Signup for our newsletter to find out the date of our next workshop!

Let’s talk face to face! In this live workshop, women learn about the damaging effects of stress and how it blocks our ability to experience pleasure. Women are led through hands on Taoist techniques to nourish feminine organs and increase sexual sensitivity. We explore natural ways to increase our orgasmic juiciness and heal our wombs.

*Interested in booking this live workshop or hosting a weekend intensive? Need Let Go Let Goddess in your city? Please email: [email protected]


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Coming Back December 2014

Strap on your boots ladies, it’s time to get sexy! In this short intensive program you get a sacred sex exercise a day for 30 days, plus two live calls and meditations. You will learn to heal your feminine organs and increase your pleasure and sexiness! This class features beginning and advanced jade egg exercises as well as many other tantric techniques.

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[column width=”1/1″ last=”true” title=”Lady Shepsa is also available for private coaching for both women and men. Interested? Complete form below.” title_type=”no-divider” animation=”none” implicit=”true”]

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