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Queen Program Begins February 9th


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Sacred Sexual
 Healer Initiation

For Black Women

Finally, a sacred sexual healer training created for us by us so that you can heal generational trauma and step into your sacred sexual power as the Black Goddess you are!


While learning to awaken your divine feminine energy

without spiritually bypassing the significance of your culture


Feeling ignored or being dismissed by teachers who don’t look like you

“Our brothers and sisters are walking around
with crowns in their back pockets
because of an environment of repression.”
-Burna Boy


Yes, YOU! In the past few hundred years so much has happened to us a people.

Slavery. Colonization. Black Codes. Jim Crow. Redlining. Police Brutality. The list goes on and on. It’s exhausting.

We were stripped of our names, our culture and many of us have forgotten who we are. We walk around with our crown in our back pocket….

We have forgotten that we come from royalty. No, not all of our ancestors in Africa were literally of a monarch, however we were FREE! The true king or queen is the person who is connected to their inner power to determine their destiny.

With so much unhealed trauma, this has been challenging for many of us.

As Black women, a big part of that is sexual trauma. Our ancestors were sexually violated daily and our children sold off.

Along with the intergenerational trauma, we have personal trauma that comes from being both woman and Black.

In the program Queen: Sacred Sexual Healer Initiation For Black Women we will go on a 13 week journey to heal not only ourselves but our lineage as we learn to step into our power as a free, sacred sexual Black Goddess!

Why We Need Something For Us By Us

Would you put a bandaid on a bullet wound? Would you take a medicine that only half-way worked?

This is what many of us do in the spiritual community. We attend classes, take workshops and follow popular spiritual teachers who exist in mostly white spaces where our unique experiences as Black women are often ignored, dismissed or spiritually bypassed.

Having been a part of the Tantra and sacred sexual community and participating in those spaces globally both in person and online, there is a great lack of representation of Black women and participants of color.

Throughout the past few years, so many Black women have come to me thanking me for the work I do. I’ve been told how refreshing it feels to hear someone address our unique experience, who talks like us and understands us.

I’ve been asked for years why I don't have my own certification program. For years I shied away because of my own impostor syndrome.

Just like you, I had to learn to put on my crown! So here I am, inviting you to put on your crown with me as we walk FULLY in our power!

My Story...

Who am I? I am Lady Shepsa Jones, owner of Let Go Let Goddess, author of 6 books, sacred sexuality coach and healer. 

Like many women, I was raised to fear my sexuality and sensuality and to think being a woman--especially a Black woman-- somehow made me “lesser than”. I was so committed to being a good girl and not a statistic, that I was a virgin until I was 22 and married the first man I ever had sex with.

Five years and one child later, I felt miserable, stuck and a part of me inside was dying. I needed to break out the good-girl box and discover who I was as a woman.

This journey brought me face-to-face with the real me: the part that was both sacred and sensual and twerked on top of boxes meant to cage her in!

I discovered ancient practices that awakened my sensual goddess and over the past 10 years. I’ve taught these practices to hundreds of women around the world. 

While I am a certified yoga teacher and Sacred Femininity Facilitator through Tao-Tantric Arts, I have also been a practitioner of Traditional African Spirituality for almost two decades. I was a member of a priesthood of Kemetic spirituality for five years. I am initiated in Haitian Vodou and a practitioner of the Isese Tradition from Nigeria, West Africa. 

I also have a degree in Africana Studies from New York University. This diverse experience allows me to draw on inspiration from deeply rooted spiritual and cultural traditions not only for my personal healing--for which it has been life changing--but also to guide others.

In the program Queen: Sacred Sexual Initiation For Black Women you will get the benefit of not only my experience, but also the gifted instructors who are guest teachers.


“Dipped in chocolate, bronzed in elegance, enameled with grace, toasted with beauty. My lord, she's a Black woman.”

- Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan

During this program you will be initiated into my unique system: The C.R.O.W.N. P.U.S.S.Y. Code™.
Each month we will also work with a different plant ally to draw on our ancestral wisdom of herbal medicine.

These three paths: Taoism, Tantra and Traditional African Spirituality have contributed the most to my healing and empowerment. My ancestors and guides have informed me that it is my unique path to share from these traditions that are so dear to my heart.

During the Queen Program: Sacred Sexual Healer Initiation For Black Women you will go through each of The 3 Gates Of Sexual Healing and Empowerment™ to release generations of pain, shame, abuse and guilt and step into your divine birthright of full body pleasure, inner peace and divine feminine power!

There are two tracks in this program.

1. Personal Healer. This is for the woman who may be new to sacred sexuality/tantra and wants to go on her own deep personal journey of healing.

2. Sacred Sexual Healer Certification. This is for the woman who has some experience in the healing arts, particularly one who's already worked with me. This woman wants to learn to teach and facilitate as a sacred sexual healer and coach. There will be mandatory completion requirements including but not limited to: a written exam, short writing reflection and workshop presentation. The women on the certification path will also receive an additional 8 weeks of coaching from me to help them plan, build and launch their coaching businesses.

Month 1:

Gate Of Clarity

During the first month of this program we will CLEAR what is standing in the way of us walking into our QUEENDOM.

Week 1: Call Your Ancestors

This week we will have an Ancestral Healing Ritual. We will learn about the orisha Olokun and call upon our ancestors to support our healing journey. In the spirit of Sankofa, we will look back in order to move forward.

Week 2: Release Womb Wounds

This week will connect to the spiritual energy of our womb. We will intuit what energies lie there and use healing sounds to release blockages from our womb space. We will liberate our feminine power center.

Week 3: Own/Open Your Energy

We will explore what drains our energy and what nourishes our energy.We will learn a practice to call our energy back from places that it's stuckand a method to spiritually protect ourselves. We will also purify negative emotions from our organs.

Week 4: Unleash Your Warrior. Bonus Class.

During this class we will have a guest dance teacher present a dance workshop about the Orisha Oya. We learn to unleash our inner warrior goddess by connecting to the orisha of the winds and storms through movement.

Month 2:

Bamboo Gate

This month we will tap into the energy of the Wood element characterized by the sacred “bamboo” plant that exists in both Africa and Asia. Like the bamboo we will cultivate strength, flexibility and health.

This month we explore:

  • Releasing and healing the “Angry Black Woman” wound.
  • Healing the liver with qi gong and herbs.
  • Cultivating radiance and emotional alchemy.
  • Awakening sexual vitality with the yoni egg.

Goddess/Feminine Spirit: Oya

Plant Ally: Dandelion Root

Month 2:

Gate Of Love and Nourishment

During this month we will learn to nourish ourselves with self-love practices.

Week 5: Water Yourself

We will delve into many of the ways the bodies of Black women are plagued with stress and trauma. We will learn two powerful techniques to release stress and open to the positive flow of energy in our bodies.

Week 6: Nourish Ya Heart Ceremony

This week we connect with the powerful plant medicine of cacao and learn to nourish our heart through the practice of breast massage. We will open our heart to more self love and nourish our sensuality through sacred touch.

Week 7: Pamper Your Pussy

It’s time to pamper our pussy! This week we will learn how to pamper our sacred space through learning about yoni steams, womb herbs and how to reclaim our sacred moon (menstrual) cycle. We will also learn an abdominal massage practice to promote digestion and release stagnant energy in the womb.

Week 8: Play With Pleasure. Bonus Class.

It’s time to shake our shimmy! With a guest dance teacher we will learn to play with pleasure through the ancient art of bellydance. Bellydance emphasizes the natural feminine movement of women’s bodies.

Month 4:

Water Gate

This month we deep dive into the water element. All life began in water, we will use this element to heal our womb, release fear and rebirth ourselves.

This month we explore:

  • Black women reclaiming our womb/womb space.
  • Healing the womb through yoni steaming, womb herbs, and castor oil packs.
  • The sacred power of menstruation.
  • Healing the kidney and releasing fear through qi gong.

Goddess/Feminine Spirit: Yemaya/Yemoja

Plant Ally: Red Raspberry Leaf

Month 5:

Earth Gate

This month we enter the Earth Gate. Earth is the element of balance and harmony. We will tap into the element of the earth to bring balance to our divine feminine and masculine energies within and without.

This month we explore:

  • Connecting to the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within.
  • Healthy boundaries and healing our relationship with Black men.
  • Connecting to the earth and healing our spleen with qi gong and healing foods.
  • Couple practices and sacred sexual rites for lovemaking.

Female and Male Spirits: Aida and Damballah Wedo

Plant Ally: Nettle

Month 3:

Gate Of Ecstatic Expansion

Week 9: Unlock Your Orgasm

This week we will initiate our yoni egg practice. The yoni egg is an ancient tool used by women for centuries to heal the womb, awaken full body orgasms and maintain youth and vitality. We will learn the secrets of this practice.

Week 10: Sacred Your Sex Ritual

Lovemaking is a sacred experience. This workshop will explore ways to bring sacred sexual techniques into the bedroom with a partner. We will explore the ways the ancients made love making into a ritual and the multi-orgamsic power of women.

Week 11: Own Your Eros (Bonus)

It’s time to own our erotic energy! We will have a guest dance teacher show us how to own our sexual energy through sensual movement. Learn to move slow, connect to your breath and awaken your inner Goddess.

Week 12: Seduce Your Chakras

Our chakras are an energy map to our spiritual bodies and hold the key to great healing and power. We will learn to open and balance our chakras through sound and movement. This is an ecstatic practice to awaken our inner Shakti (divine feminine power).

Week 13: Yes to Your Queendom

We conclude our program with a powerful graduation ceremony that declares we are now entering our Queendom!

Certification Track

Boss Lady Business Coaching Program and sacred sexuality study groups will continue for 3 additional months after the 13 weeks of the Queen program. The ladies completing the certification will undergo a 7 month process.

Ghana Retreat Group

Wanna Join Queen?

This program is by invite only

Please apply and book a time for your interview

Please contact: [email protected]

Next cohort begins Sunday February 9th 12:30pm EST


You missed out!

Ready for this journey into stepping into your QUEENDOM?!
Next cohort begins Sunday, February 9th 12:30pm EST

What The Queen Graduates 

Have To Say...

- Goddess Sivani

-Goddess Ceara

- Shaman Miami (certification track)

- Goddess Viviane

- Goddess Shea

In this program I have manifested:
• A deeper connection with my ancestors. I've traced my ancestry back 6 generations!!
• A $10,000 credit line that allowed me to do ancestral research out of state, honor my ancestors at their graves and meet cousins!
• A business that focuses on Ancestral healing and womb wellness, Ruby Rebirth, LLC!
• And now I'm about to launch my first Coaching program, Ancestral Womb HERstories!

-Goddess Ruby (certification track)

“Here is what I gained going through this program:"
• I booked my first coaching client!
• I deepened my own embodiment of the practices and teachings.
• I gained the confidence and know how to share sacred sexuality to others in my own unique way.
• Became part of a sisterhood of beautiful black women that support and encourage each other!

- Goddess Arnyell (certification track)

“I never expected finding a program from a Facebook ad and getting so much fulfillment from it! When I did Lady Shepsa’s free masterclass and bought her book I knew that I wanted to learn more about my spiritual and sexual power as a woman. When she let us know that she was having a Queen program I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Being in a virtual room of intelligent and open minded black women who were all interested in being open in their spirituality and sexuality and coming into their power as queens and ultimately goddesses was fantastic! I thoroughly enjoyed the meditations, the group discussions and the group exercises. I felt such a closeness with Black women that I had never felt before. When Lady Shepsa told us to come to terms with our ancestors and work on healing past trauma, I felt like my eyes had been opened for the first time. I created an altar, started researching more about my family and actually reconnected with my father, his brother and my aunt on my mother’s side. I feel beyond happy to have made those reconnections and I feel like they would not have been possible without the Queen program. I’ve always wanted to travel but I thought I would never get the opportunity until my son was an adult. So when traveling to Ghana became an option I took a deep breath, took the plunge and made the commitment to go. It was the best trip I have ever gone on, hands down! I feel such a closeness and love and appreciation for Africa and my ancestors that I had never felt before going to Ghana. Thank you so much Lady Shepsa. You have changed my life immensely!

- Goddess C.J. (personal healer track)

I manifested:
• Walking away from teaching after 15 years in the classroom.
• Opening my own spiritual supply store.
• Working my travel business while traveling to all the places I dreamed of.
• Planning my first masterclass to help others.
• Deepened my relationship with my daughter and my family and friends.
• Confidently sharing the REAL ME with others and not hiding!!

- Goddess Charronda

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Aren't all women goddesses? Why is this only for Black women?

As I explained, Black women have a unique history and our voice and needs are often ignored and neglected by society. This will be a safe place for Black women to heal in the presence of other Black women.

2. I'm biracial, can I apply?

Yes, if you indeed identify and experience life as a person of Black/African descent.

3. Do I have to do the 3-7 month commitment? I'm really interested in some of the topics/workshops and would like to attend those.

This program is not a la carte. I'm only looking for women who are serious and committed to going through this entire process. I have other programs, books, masterclasses and offers you can check out if this one doesn’t work for you.

4. How often are classes? What's the schedule?

We will meet Sundays 12:30pm EST. The women on the certification track will work with me for additional 3 months learning to teach the techniques and create their own coaching business.